Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I haven't officially started my 12 week training program for the half marathon yet but I have been running for a couple weeks regularly...rather than once a week. The last two times that I ran, my right knee starts to hurt after about a mile and just gets worse until I stop. This worries me because it may mean that I need to take it easy for now. Well, I can't take it easy because my training starts next week! I decided to ice my knee after running and it made my joint even harder to move. You see, right after I stop running my knee feels fine so the icing made me feel the pain again. I don't get it. For right now I am taking full advantage of resting and still hoping that the knee pain goes away.

A little background. About a year and half ago I twisted my right ankle and it has never felt the same. These days I only feel aches in my ankle after I workout. I think while I am running I land differently on my right foot so not to aggravate my ankle. Maybe this is why my knee hurts. Also, I have been running on a treadmill in this nasty Lincoln cold and I am used to running outside.

While I am expressing my knee issues, I bought a new pair of shoes Tuesday night. I went with the experts advice to get a half size larger. I voiced my hesitation because I have always run in a size 7 shoe but he assured me that with the larger mileage I would need a little more room for my feet to swell. So last night was my first night to run in the new shoes and I have to say that I did not like the extra room in the toe area. I wish I could say my knee pain was from these shoes but my knee started hurting before I got the new ones. So tonight I will be returning the shoes for the size I need and getting the pair that was $30.00 cheaper. I trusted what the expert was saying but had a gut feeling that I would not like the extra room. I have a narrow foot to begin with so I think there is already a little room for swelling.

All in all, my mind is just a little worried about running so much. I worry about my knee and my ankle. My mind made this decision that I would run a half marathon and now I feel like my body is telling me not to. I don't want a pain in my body to take away from something I really want to do. I'm not giving up! I am just hoping that when I run tomorrow my right leg feels like my left leg :)

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