Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I got my own blog...fun!

So lately I have been reading a lot of other people's blogs and came to the conclusion that I would like start one as well. The reason I suddenly thought this is because I am going to run a half marathon. This blog will serve as motivation for me to stick to my 12 week training schedule to be ready for race day on May 2nd.

I ran cross country in high school and really wish I had the endurance that I did back then. I guess when you don't run for a few years and then go into spurts of running one month and not the next, you don't really get to keep it. Even though we used to train like crazy and run 40+ miles a week back in high school, I can only think of one day that I ran 12 miles all at once. So why decide 8 years after my cross country days to run a 13.1 mile race? Well, I have always wanted to and I found some people that kinda gave me a push and excitement about the whole thing. A few of my boyfriend's co-workers kept talking about this half marathon they are going to run and I decided to do it as well.

Today I picked a training schedule(the link is at the bottom) and bought a new pair of running shoes since the ones I was using were worn. The schedule is pretty easy at first and increases in mileage 10% each week. February 8th will be day one of my training schedule and I am pretty pumped. Until then I am just running like I usually do and taking it easy. Wish me luck!

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